Thursday, July 31, 2008

Guess What?


My attending Dr. took pity on me and said that for my mental well-being he was going to send me home. He said that I'll have to do 5 days of home IV therapy, but who cares? I'm THRILLED to be here. Everything happened all at once. It was like all of a sudden everything clicked into place and it was time to go home.

Home health care has already been here and there were no problems with them. I've made a ton of phone calls already to my relatives (who apparently read my blog now) to let them know that I'm free as a birdie.

God is faithful and He is good. He does not give us more than we can handle. He knew that I could not have handled another day as an inpatient. I'm thankful for His mercy and the way He provides for my needs. I'm also very thankful for all the support and encouragement I receive from friends on a regular basis. It's nice to know that I'm plugged in to such a great community.

I was so excited when you called with your news! What an answer to prayer! But I'm still praying for you...*smile*
I appreciate you considering me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for sharing your opinion. I value your honesty and will respond as quickly as possible.
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