Saturday, April 28, 2007
Birthdays are still fun!

You guessed it, that's me in the picture with my stick pony. Mom took that photo on my 3rd birthday. Look at that ear-to-ear grin! Have you ever seen such a display of exuberance? If you think that's a big smile, you should have seen me at my wedding. Grins galore!
Today is my 27th birthday. Woooooo hoooooooooo!
My day started very pleasantly, and has continued to be an enjoyable one. The house is all in order, (I know I mention that a lot, but I can't believe how peaceful I feel now that that's the reality around here) and the tri tip we're having for dinner is marinating as I type.
Grandma and Grandpa took us out for a nice birthday breakfast. I had a Belgian waffle of course. Not long after coming back home, one of my dearest friends called from New York to wish me a happy birthday. She said "I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to put your card in the mail...I was a little busy...HAVING A BABY!" Yay! Baby Hannah arrived just a little ahead of what we expected, but apparently right on time for God's plan for her life. Isn't that always the case? I'm thrilled for my friends, and delighted that I have an honorary niece who practically shares my birthday.
After a few more phone calls from friends and family, I took myself to Old Navy for a little birthday shopping. Now, let me stress that shopping for anything other than groceries is NOT my forte. In fact, I pretty much disdain shopping altogether. But something about the blue sky and the wonderful spring sunshine stirred something in me. After nearly 6 months of dressing primarily in pajamas and sweat suits (and not necessarily matching ones at that...) it was time to add a splash of color and some flattering designs to my wardrobe.
God has been good to me throughout my life. Birthdays are always a time for me to reflect on his blessings and presence in my life. This year especially, I see how far he has brought me, and the ways that he uses other people to impact me. If you had told me 6 months ago how great today was going to be, I would have scoffed at you in utter disbelief. God has a way of turning our hearts and attitudes around, and showing us just how much he wants to give us when we trust him with all the details.
As I reflect on these things, I invite you to join me in celebrating God's goodness and mercy.
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You are just a baby! I am so glad you are 27, every year is important to us CF people. And unlike other not so special people we celebrate getting old. For my 30th my family prepared a surprise party and invited a whole bunch of old friends and neighbors it was fantastic. We celebrated the fact that none of us thought I would make it to 30. Now 2 years later I am still amazed everyday that God keeps me around. Celebrate good and hard. It ain't everyday a CFer turns 27, in fact it's down right rare. And you know that those that didn't make it would want you to celebrate it!!
I hope you had a great birthday and tons of celebration. You should really celebrate for a whole week. ;)
I hope you had a great birthday and tons of celebration. You should really celebrate for a whole week. ;)
Happy belated birthday to you. I was offline several days, and I'm just getting caught up. Many more birthdays, my dear!!
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