Saturday, August 12, 2006

I Aspire to Inspire

The spirited horse, which will try to win the race of its own accord, will run even faster if encouraged.


Last night I discovered a wonderful resource for adults with CF. It's called the CF Roundtable and I've included a link to it on my sidebar. It addresses many topics that are of particular relevance to adults with CF. Although their online publication is quite sparse and at least 3 years out of date, I am hopeful that their in-print publication is a bit more substantial.

I spent a fair amount of time reading through the CF Roundtable's website and was incredibly encouraged by what I found there. I was truly moved not only by the personal stories of many adults with CF, but mostly by the fact that these people are approaching life and solving problems with the same attitude and mindset that I am! The things that weigh on my mind as an adult CFer are common to each of us.

People have told me that I am an inspiration in the way that I handle the challenges of CF in my life. I only hope I can be the sort of inspiration and encouragement that the CF Roundtable's contributors have been to me through their articles.

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